Oh! I languish so

I can’t figure it out, you
nurturing breasts of Gaia milk, barren
of heartfelt impulse to ask me, “Who?”

I want to know you, why not you me?—“Why?”

as if I could explain cosmic coincidences or the hard
rules of astral mechanics, it’s just me, asking

why the slow elegance of your stocking smooth thigh lures
me my heart eons of squelched desire, longingly

I cannot fathom your eyes, interpret the silences, ignorances
“ How wrong can I be?” misjudging others from
your generation, fems
not Queens, possibly not even Princesses, maybe mere
Ladies-in-Waiting, so
confused am I, knowledgeable only

of the seething desire to reach over, break
you in two, suck the marrow from your pelvic bones, delta
delight in consummation of
delirious pillar of righteousness, my lips quaver as I kneel in
adoration before you, incanting
upward, joyward, into your inner self, bones
of caverns, ancient longings, you

naïf, naive, unlearned, I curse
my prison sufferings, nights with you only in liminal gasp!
I cannot but not crave you, slash open my
chest cavity, grip and rip out my heart, desire
like fire raging, seething, lost among the wildness of
unbounded craving for
you I seek intimacy, we

I crave “we,” you, me, flint and stone, fire spark
turn me on!—lost
I am lost in the sweet curve of your stockinet sigh!—face
flat upon your belly, birthed
in a fresh soulfulness, I love
you beyond images that break
upon, my heart

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