
mere kiss, flashing shadow of desire, I seek
closeness of exhaled moistness, allure of your sweet mouth, lips
like celestial communicator, tender yet so vibrant, life
itself throbs through the mere desire I have for you, embrace

the slightest presence of you, mere fleeting smile, tender
strum of your guitar, I
lost forever in the splashing fiery sweetness
of the brush of your cheek, a strand
your hair like electrocuting fiber sunk into my heart, is there no
, no

cessation to this flow of fever, diamond hard cold
steely fierce penetration of my desire, you

is there no other than you, here, this moment, every
moment, beyond my death, I reach
blood of your heart in menstrual drip, I savor
the nurturance of you, the unthoughtful
reflex, me
zygote within the tubes of
your bio-mechanical delivery self, Mother

Is there no one else, she

daughter also mother princess yet my Queen, I touch but
the sight of her, press hard against the
memory of a moment, passed
just this moment, fleeting, you float through
the world, ocean of gasping desire, I want, no
need you, know this? I doubt, yet

I come, faithfully, moment after eon, lover

you are my beloved, praised
with lipless kiss, deep embrace of mere
desire denied, happy
yet am I, delirious
mere kiss

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