Optimo Café

Legs crossed long sweater over back of hands, sitting
as if huddling with yourself not looking
but sensing me sizing me up wondering
if the old guy is as crazy as he sounds
does he want me, want me ancient lover
remembering the endless sands, long desert dark nights
with jeweled skies and the chill of moon cold dunes
now again within driftless time, hours, centuries
not really a reference as I caress
your lanky hair stroking you once more, a thousand years
from whence we have come, discerning you
through that startling twist of metal, awed I had asked
back-then in foreign tongue “Who made this?”
they brought you, servant of a servant, with head bowed
eyes that pierced my heart though you never gazed upward just
the bent of your head I knew you saw me as you do now
with eyes all over, goddess eyes, thousand eyes, like the
softness of your presence, sitting there, in front of my chair, hidden
by a space of gentleness and when you turn to talk I know you know
me, without doubt remember our precious time, no hesitation,
here it is I who bow before you, upon whose heart
is etched a pledge of eternal love—Yes! have I found you fatefully
searching for a gift in your quaint curio shop of twisted metals
that you flowingly bend like fragrances of desire,
I stammered, “You made this?” It needed no answer, you smiled, I
wondered for days weeks month if you’d ever speak to me and tonight
I said are you alone do you want to sit with us a glass of wine you said
Yes sweet wine so I sipped you until I felt it safe to leave, trusting
that you’d call and let me touch the deathless heart that beats
only for us, ancient lovers.

